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Smile Bible: A Communication Tool Between Dental Clinicians and Technicians, Clinicians and Patients and Technicians and Patients

Labline featured Yugo’s article for the ‘ACADEMY’ in 2016 (originally published in English and Hungarian).   There is a story behind every article I’ve created, and I cherish every single one of them. However, this particular piece is a standout because it compiles my philosophy into a single work.   The contents include: Dental Material Selections The Aesthetic Articulator Digital Dental Photography Shade Taking and Smile Design Consultation   I felt that the missing link in Dentistry was the communication between the clinicians and technicians with our patients, and how to educate our patients through effective correspondence to make each treatment step transparent and visually assessable.   The clinical philosophy is the driving force, and the clinicians should remain the captain of the ship, no doubt. However, the...

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