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Extreme Masking: Achieving Predictable Outcomes in Challenging Situations with Lithium Disilicate Bonded Restorations

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry featured Yugo’s article titled 'Extreme Masking: Achieving Predictable Outcomes in Challenging Situations with Lithium Disilicate Restorations' in 2014 (originally published in English, German, Italian, Spanish and Greek).   Aesthetically speaking, metal-free restorations are proven to be superior alternatives to traditional porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) restorations. However, one of the most significant challenges in metal-free dentistry is the reproduction of natural dentition without the influence of a ‘negative stump’ – i.e., a very dark or metalcore showing through the final restorations.   This article presents a unique ‘outside of the box’ technique that provides consistent, predictable and durable restorations, which provide the best possible aesthetic outcome.   If you ask me to nominate the milestone in my career, this is undoubtedly one of them...

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